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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Edit Image Rotator

With the PSB you have the option to showcase 3-5 photographs on your homepage.   These photos can be switched out easily.    While logged in to your website,  go to Mange and then Content.  Under the  Admin screen, filter the Content Type to Image Rotator and click “Filter.”  Click Edit under the “Operations” column.   Edit the content (Always leave the “Title” name as “Image Rotator”)

Add up to five (5) images with these specifications:

  • 20 MB file size limit
  • JPG or JPEG file types only
  • Images must be larger than 1900 x 700 pixels

Click “Choose File” to add a new image to the rotator.  Click “Remove” to remove and/or replace an existing image. Enter a succinct description for the Alt Text for each image